Navin Johnson Day

Breaking my radio silence because today is Navin Johnson Day here: Amazon and Barnes and Noble have officially listed both Happy Birthday, Tree and The Schmutzy Family in their catalogs. In other words: I’m somebody!
No images yet, so I will have to send you to Jana Christy’s site and Paul Meisel’s site so you can imagine what the covers might look like.

My friend Anamaria actually spotted the Amazon links first, which I can’t believe because I have been engaging in vanity googles more than I care to admit.

The books are also listed on, in Canada, which means they are listed in French. Hmm. Wonder if Madame Campbell would up my grade from a C for that? I have livres coming out! In août and novembre!

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4 Responses to Navin Johnson Day

  1. madelyn says:

    Absolutely, I remember!! I just looked him up. The shows are available on DVD!

  2. Tabatha says:

    P.S. You may have called this “Navin Johnson,” but my head keeps translating it to “Laban Johnson,” whom I remember watching on Cookin’ Cheap when I was a kid. Did you? You gave me a little, unintentional blast-from-the-past.

  3. Tabatha says:

    Congratulations!! Vanity google all you want — sometimes that is the only way to find out stuff.

  4. Jenn Hubbard says:


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